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Kobe Cam:Sensual Single "Ballerina Body" in SoundCloud |ENG
TJARITJARI.COM April 15, 2017 - Music lovers always look forward to new music tracks in SoundCloud, the pioneering music streaming site which is the open forum for the aspiring stars across the globe. Amidst diverse genres of music, the most trendy genre in SoundCloud is the vibrant hip hop and rap music. Music enthusiasts are gifted new artists in every season. Hip hop music is one of the most experimented genres which have undergone sea of changes since its origin. Be it edgy and brooding beats or hard hitting attitude, or be it a soulful track that evokes deep emotions, hip hop can be bring together anything under the sun keeping alive its vibrant colors.

SoundCloud site presents hip hop artists with innovation touching its heights and the music fanatics, going crazy on these bizarre tracks. A new artist whose hip hop tracks are creating new dimension for this genre is Kobe Cam. His latest composition "Ballerina Body" is an extraordinary single from his album For Better Days and features the sensual voice of the diva Keishanna. Music geeks log on to your SoundCloud profile and get into the music gallery of this aspiring artist cum producer and witness this marvelous music.

Kobe Cam is a very spirited guy who wants to make a name in the hip hop music industry with his exceptional compositions. This young stud has collaborated with many artists and gave back to back hits which have been widely acclaimed by music fans. Now, he wants to move a step forward and make his own label. His dreams are soon going to be true as he is soon going to launch his debut album For Better Days. The track "Ballerina Body" is a beautiful track where he teams up with Keishanna to deliver a soothing music experience. Fans of hip hop don't miss out this track in SoundCloud. (1888PR)

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