Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) K.H. Said Aqil Siroj
menuturkan bahwa Pancasila yang menjadi dasar Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) sangatlah islami. Pancasila, lanjutnya, telah mencakup semua aspek hubungan dengan sang Pencipta (Habluminallah) dan hubungan sesama manusia (Habluminannas).

Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Kiai Said saat menghadiri buka puasa bersama di kediaman Setya Novanto, Jalan Widya Chandra III, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (07/06/2017), menyampaikan komitmen lembaganya untuk tetap mengawal NKRI dengan dasar negara Pancasila.

"Jadi komitmen NU dulu sekarang dan seterusnya tetap mengawal NKRI dengan dasar Pancasila mencakup agama dan budaya (serta, red) iman dan budaya. Sila nomor satu agama, iman, habluminallah. Yang empat sila adalah habluminannas," ujarnya.

Kia said pun menegaskan bahwa saat ini Pancasila sudah sempurna, jadi tidak ada alasan untuk mengubah ideologi ini.

"Sudah sempurna sekali, sangat islami sekali Pancasila," ucapnya.

Berkenaan dengan itu pula, Kiai Said pun mengajak setiap pihak untuk mencintai Indonesia dengan dasar negara Pancasila dan tidak memberikan ruanag sekecil apa pun untuk kelompok anti-Pancasila.

"Mari kita cintai, kita sayangi Indonesia ini dari sejak dini. Kalau ada kelompok (yang ingin, red) ganti Pancasila, atau meremehkan Pancasila, atau tidak menghormati Pancasila dari sejak dini harus kita berantas jangan sampai besar," katanya, tegas sebagaimana dikutip

Volume SEO, a digital marketing and search engine optimization firm, and BlazingDB, a big data software company, are partnering for maximum growth in 2017. 

TJARITJARI.COM, Austin, Texas : Volume SEO, an Austin search engine optimization company, is partnering with fast growing high performance GPU database provider BlazingDB. As BlazingDB returned from TechCrunch Disrupt SF in San Francisco, they immediately hit the ground running. Onboarding new staff and growing their team by 50% while also forming a partnership with Volume SEO to increase their online visibility primarily in search engines. See More -->

Volume SEO, a digital marketing and search engine optimization firm, and BlazingDB, a big data software company, are partnering for maximum growth in 2017. 

TJARITJARI.COM, Austin, Texas : Volume SEO, an Austin search engine optimization company, is partnering with fast growing high performance GPU database provider BlazingDB. As BlazingDB returned from TechCrunch Disrupt SF in San Francisco, they immediately hit the ground running. Onboarding new staff and growing their team by 50% while also forming a partnership with Volume SEO to increase their online visibility primarily in search engines.

BlazingDB is helping data driven organizations manage big data with their high performance database solution. BlazingDB enables organizations to analyze massive data sets in real time with a next generation, high performance database. Where companies might run SQL queries that take hours, or even days, on their current tools, BlazingDB can manipulate massive datasets in a matter of seconds or minutes.

CEO of BlazingDB, Rodrigo Aramburu, had this to say about current big data tools, "Globally, we've been building software expecting computers to double in speed every two years, that is no longer happening. So if data growth is accelerating, and processor improvement is decelerating something has to give. At BlazingDB we use common, yet specialized processors, graphics processors (GPUs). And since these processors have thousands of independent processors, we perform massively parallel processing across those thousands of cores."

BlazingDB is a rapidly growing startup company that is prepared to solve your big data problems.

BlazingDB recently launched a free for life community edition of their GPU database.
BlazingDB recently presented their high performance GPU database in the finals at TechCrunch's Startup Battlefield.
BlazingDB recently grew their team by 50% and is investing in future growth.
BlazingDB has 12 cluster pilots underway, 6 of which are at Fortune 100 companies.
BlazingDB recently launched the first production server for customer OneModel, a workforce analytics company that broke Amazon's Redshift.

BlazingDB is helping organizations save huge amounts of time and money spent on big data databases.

About BlazingDB: BlazingDB is a high performance SQL database able to handle petabyte scale solving big data problems for large organizations. It is a GPU database that runs on video graphics cards and can be scaled to handle any amount of data. Through BlazingDB's recent investments in growing their team and partnering with Volume SEO, the company is expected to see its highest growth yet in 2017.

TJARITJARI.COM - Belum adanya kesepakatan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia tentang batasan usia dewasa, menjadikan perlindungan terhadap anak-anak belum optimal, sebagaimana dikatakan Anggota Komisi IX DPR Nihayatul Wafiroh, di Jakarta, Sabtu (15/04/2017) malam.

"Antara undang-undang satu dengan yang lain berbeda. Ada yang menyebutkan 16 tahun, 17 tahun, ada pula lembaga negara yang menetapkan 21 tahun," kata Politisi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) yang akrab disapa Ninik.

Ninik menerangkan bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan menetapkan batas usia warga negara untuk menikah minimal 16 tahun.

Hal tersebut berbeda dengan peraturan perundang-undangan tentang pemilihan umum yang berlaku di Indonesia, yang menetapkan setiap warga negara berusia 17 tahun atau sudah menikah memiliki hak pilih.
Anggota Komisi IX DPR Nihayatul Wafiroh/IST

Sama dengan undang-undang pemilu, Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan juga menetapkan batasan usia 17 tahun bagi warga negara untuk memiliki surat izin mengemudi (SIM).

Berbeda dengan beberapa undang-undang tersebut, Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) menetapkan batas usia 21 tahun baik laki-laki maupun perempuan untuk menikah. Pada usia ini baik pria maupun wanita sudah matang secara fisik maupun psikologis.

Ninik pun sepakat dengan batasan usia menikah yang ditetapkan BKKBN. Menurutnya, pernikahan bukan hanya harus dilihat dari usia fisiknya saja, tetapi juga kematangan psikologis.

"Kita harus tegas menghentikan pernikahan usia anak. Seorang anak tidak bisa disamakan dengan orang dewasa karena belum bisa mengambil keputusan sendiri," ujarnya, sebagaimana dilaporkan Antara.

Bila terjadi pemaksaan pernikahan, lanjut Ninik, pernikahan usia anak dapat dikategorikan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak.

"Salah satu bentuk kekerasan seksual adalah pemaksaan pernikahan. Hal itu kebanyakan terjadi pada anak," tegasnya. (Ant/Tjari)

WHEELING, WV, April, 2017 - Direct Online Marketing (DOM) President Justin Seibert was named 2017 WV Small Business Exporter of the Year by the West Virginia District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration. DOM received this recognition for its exporting success as well as its role in helping other businesses export. DOM has exported to six continents, helping its clients sell their products and services to over 140 countries around the world.

"We have developed an incredible export marketing knowledge base through the work we've done for our clients the past 11 years in helping them enter new markets and expand sales," said Seibert. "The insights we provide help businesses around the globe, and that expertise on global consumer search behavior lives here in West Virginia."

DOM grows its clients' exports primarily through having them appear on global search engines like Google, Baidu, Yandex, and Naver when prospective customers search for what they sell. Search engines often provide the best return on investment due to the intent of users seeking solutions to their needs.

In addition to providing digital marketing services, DOM offers export marketing webinars and free resources on its website for businesses, including, where businesses can find the best website structures for any country.

Selengkapnya --> 

Belum Disepaktinya Batasan Usia Dewasa Buat Perlindungan Anak Tak Optimal

Belum adanya kesepakatan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia tentang batasan usia dewasa, menjadikan perlindungan terhadap anak-anak belum optimal, sebagaimana dikatakan Anggota Komisi IX DPR Nihayatul Wafiroh, di Jakarta, Sabtu (15/04/2017) malam.

"Antara undang-undang satu dengan yang lain berbeda. Ada yang menyebutkan 16 tahun, 17 tahun, ada pula lembaga negara yang menetapkan 21 tahun," kata Politisi Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) yang akrab disapa Ninik.

Ninik menerangkan bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan menetapkan batas usia warga negara untuk menikah minimal 16 tahun.

Hal tersebut berbeda dengan peraturan perundang-undangan tentang pemilihan umum yang berlaku di Indonesia, yang menetapkan setiap warga negara berusia 17 tahun atau sudah menikah memiliki hak pilih.
Anggota Komisi IX DPR Nihayatul Wafiroh/IST

Sama dengan undang-undang pemilu, Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan juga menetapkan batasan usia 17 tahun bagi warga negara untuk memiliki surat izin mengemudi (SIM).

Berbeda dengan beberapa undang-undang tersebut, Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) menetapkan batas usia 21 tahun baik laki-laki maupun perempuan untuk menikah. Pada usia ini baik pria maupun wanita sudah matang secara fisik maupun psikologis.

Ninik pun sepakat dengan batasan usia menikah yang ditetapkan BKKBN. Menurutnya, pernikahan bukan hanya harus dilihat dari usia fisiknya saja, tetapi juga kematangan psikologis.

"Kita harus tegas menghentikan pernikahan usia anak. Seorang anak tidak bisa disamakan dengan orang dewasa karena belum bisa mengambil keputusan sendiri," ujarnya, sebagaimana dilaporkan Antara.

Bila terjadi pemaksaan pernikahan, lanjut Ninik, pernikahan usia anak dapat dikategorikan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak.

"Salah satu bentuk kekerasan seksual adalah pemaksaan pernikahan. Hal itu kebanyakan terjadi pada anak," tegasnya. (Ant)

Free Downloadable CAD Models to Website with NeoMetrix Technologies, Inc.

Available to the public, NeoMetrix Technologies has added multiple CAD models for download on its website,

TJARITJARI.COM, April 15, 2017 - Today, NeoMetrix Technologies, Inc. announced immediate availability of free downloadable CAD models on its website. These files are available to anyone who visits the site and provides their email address and company. The files can be used as samples for CAD modeling. NeoMetrix is a leading provider of 3D scanning, 3D printing, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping and computer aided inspection products and services in the south east United States. The files made available for download were all produced by the company's engineers in their various case studies.

Some of the free sample files include:
Megaraptor Claw Color Scan: This full color data set was scanned withe the Creaform GoScan 20. The data is highly accurate, and contains the color information from the original artifact. This model is suitable for 3D visualization as well as 3D printing.

AR-10 Rifle: This data set contains the original scan data, captured with the HandyScan 700, as well as a Solidworks model generated from the scanned data using Xtract 3D software. The solid model is native Solidworks with the complete model history, and can be used for the design and development of external accessories. No internal data is included with this file, so there is no risk of nefarious individuals fabricating a working rifle from this file.

Gator Skull Mesh: This data file was generated using the HandyScan 700 on an actual alligator skull. The model is watertight, and suitable for 3D printing. The file was also used for the development of a 3D printed mounting system to display this fine trophy. A case study on the project is posted in

About NeoMetrix:
NeoMetrix Technologies, Inc. ( is a leading provider of solutions for rapid product development throughout the southeastern United States, focusing on 3D printing, 3D scanning, reverse engineering and rapid prototyping. NeoMetrix is a value added reseller for SpaceClaim, Creaform and Geomagic Software. NeoMetrix is a licensed distributor of a variety of 3D scanning and printing devices. NeoMetrix also offers engineering consulting and technical services that focus on assisting clients with improving product quality and reducing design cycles.

For more information on NeoMetrix Technologies' Products and Services:
Contact NeoMetrix
o admin ( @ ) neometrixtech dot com
o (888) 696-7226
Visit their website

NeoMetrix Technologies, Inc. and NeoMetrix Technologies' Products and Services are either registered trademarks or trademarks of NeoMetrix Technologies, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. (1888PR)

USB Block 1.7.0 - Prevent Data Leaks on Your PC

A data leak prevention software that lets you prevent data loss. Use USB Block to restrict the unauthorized devices from copying your files, presentations, documents and more.

TJARITJARI.COM, April 15, 2017 - Beaverton Oregon - With the increase in the risk of data loss through various means, it has become mandatory for a user to use improved security tools to restrict the prying eyes. Since the most sensitive data is stored on a company's servers and computers, it seems almost impossible to survive without a security tool.

The term 'portable device' is a vast term that covers USB drives, External devices and even the Flash disks. These are small, portable and convenient devices that let us carry our important files and documents quite easily. But to such convenience, there is a bit of a drawback as well. You see these portable devices attract the immediate attention of the prying eyes due to the nature of these drives. These devices aren't only easy to use but are also easy to decrypt. But to such a problem, USB Block delivers a sufficient solution. It lets you password protect your respective portable device (USB, Flash Disks, External Drives) and enables you to restrict the unauthorized prying eyes from viewing, accessing and modifying your files, documents, presentations and more.

Similarly, USB Block lets you protect your personal files from being directly burned to CDs and DVDs. Whenever an untrusted or external device is connected to your PC, the software prompts for a password. The correct password will open access to the full drive while the incorrect password will restrict access to any drive. With the latest update, USB Block is considered as an improved data leak prevention software designed especially for the security conscious users.

In the latest update, USB Block has been made perfectly compatible with Windows 10 and the minor bugs of this security application are fixed. (1888PR)

Product Link:

Kobe Cam:Sensual Single "Ballerina Body" in SoundCloud |ENG
TJARITJARI.COM April 15, 2017 - Music lovers always look forward to new music tracks in SoundCloud, the pioneering music streaming site which is the open forum for the aspiring stars across the globe. Amidst diverse genres of music, the most trendy genre in SoundCloud is the vibrant hip hop and rap music. Music enthusiasts are gifted new artists in every season. Hip hop music is one of the most experimented genres which have undergone sea of changes since its origin. Be it edgy and brooding beats or hard hitting attitude, or be it a soulful track that evokes deep emotions, hip hop can be bring together anything under the sun keeping alive its vibrant colors.

SoundCloud site presents hip hop artists with innovation touching its heights and the music fanatics, going crazy on these bizarre tracks. A new artist whose hip hop tracks are creating new dimension for this genre is Kobe Cam. His latest composition "Ballerina Body" is an extraordinary single from his album For Better Days and features the sensual voice of the diva Keishanna. Music geeks log on to your SoundCloud profile and get into the music gallery of this aspiring artist cum producer and witness this marvelous music.

Kobe Cam is a very spirited guy who wants to make a name in the hip hop music industry with his exceptional compositions. This young stud has collaborated with many artists and gave back to back hits which have been widely acclaimed by music fans. Now, he wants to move a step forward and make his own label. His dreams are soon going to be true as he is soon going to launch his debut album For Better Days. The track "Ballerina Body" is a beautiful track where he teams up with Keishanna to deliver a soothing music experience. Fans of hip hop don't miss out this track in SoundCloud. (1888PR)

Mendikbud Muhadjir Effendi /IST
Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Prof Dr Muhadjir Effendi di sela kunjungan kerjanya di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, Jumat mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan memprioritaskan pengangkatan 6.300 calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) guru.

Guru-guru yang diperioritaskan tersebut adalah guru-guru yang nantinya akan ditempatkan di daerah tertinggal, terdepan, dan terluar (3T).

"Memang ada pengangkatan guru untuk menjadi CPNS sebanyak 6.300 orang pada tahun ini, namun pengangkatan guru ini diprioritaskan untuk ditempatkan di daerah 3T, termasuk ada empat daerah 3T di Jawa Timur, yakni Kabupaten Bangkalan, Sampang, Situbondo, dan Bondowoso," katanya.

Hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, tak terkecuali di Kabupaten Malang, masih kekurangan tenaga guru. Namun tahun ini, lanjut Mendikbud, tidak ada pengangkatan guru di wilayah Kabupaten Malang maupun lainnya, selain di daerah 3T.

"Kalau Kabupaten Malang masuk daerah 3T, saya bisa dimarahi Pak Bupati. Sebenarnya tidak ada moratorium untuk tenaga pendidik, tetapi memang tidak ada kebijakan pengangkatan tenaga pendidik baru," ujarnya.

Muhadjir pun telah memiliki trik untuk mengatasi kekurangan tenaga pendidik tersebut, yaitu melalui Program Guru Keahlian Ganda di mana guru normatif dan adaptif akan dididik kembali dan dibekali kemampuan mata pelajaran produktif.

"Dengan cara ini, kebutuhan guru, terutama SMK bisa diatasi tanpa mengangkat guru. Ada sekitar 12.000 guru yang lulus pendidikan guru berkeahlian ganda pada tahun lalu. Dan, tahun ini ada 15.000 guru yang mendaftar program ini," jelasnya, yang juga menambahkan bahwa Kemendikbud telah menargetkan sekira 40.000 guru dengan keahlian ganda pada 2018.

"Ini berlaku untuk semua keahlian produkti, sehingga satu guru bisa mengajar beberapa mata pelajaran," sambungnya. (ant)

EzCheckPrinting QuickBooks Version Reaches More Customers |ENG

JACKSONVILLE, FL, April, 2017 - EzW2Correction, the W2C and W3C form reporting software, from now allows companies to print multiple year correction forms on plain white paper. This is time saving as well as money saving as customers will no longer have to purchase the expensive red-ink forms.

ezW2Correction has been approved by the SSA to print W2C and W3C for Year 2010 to current on white paper for customer convenience.

"ezW2 Correction is now able to print multiple year W2 and W3 Correction forms on plain white paper for customer convenience," said founder, Dr. Ge.

Download and purchase to begin processing W2C and W3C forms immediately: The software's point-and-click simplicity makes it ideal for small business owners who have better things to do than learn complicated software.

Priced from only $39, the new W2 and W3 form correcting software combines versatility in features with affordability. The main features include:
EzCheckPrinting QuickBooks Version Reaches More Customers |ENG
- Print recipient copies in PDF format.
- ezW2Correction software can print W2C (copy 1, 2, A, B, C and D) AND W3C on white paper. SSA-approved.
- Support unlimited companies and unlimited number of recipients.
- ezW2Correction will fill data on pre-printed forms
- ezW2Correction can print recipient copies into digital PDF file.
- ezW2Correction can support unlimited companies, recipients and forms with one flat rate
- Try demo for up to 30 days before purchasing.
- New enterprise version for Importing both W2 previous and corrected data from csv file.

No more W2C and W3C filing headaches. To start the test drive of ezW2 software, visit

Founded in 2003, has established itself as a leader in meeting and exceeding the software requirements of small businesses around the world. Offering payroll software, employee attendance tracking software, check writing/printing software, W2 software, 1099 software and ezACH deposit software. It continues to grow in the philosophy that small business owners deserve affordable, user friendly, and totally risk-free software.

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