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Central and Eastern European Armed Forces Look to Further Developments of Their UAV Capability
Airforce Technology

TJARITJARI.COM - Military leaders and world leading solution providers will meet at SMi Group's second annual UAV Technology Central and Eastern Europe taking place in Prague on 27th-28th September 2017.

As a key mechanism to enhance intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities, UAVs now more than ever continues to play a central role as a tactical and operational tool for the Armed Forces in Central and Eastern Europe. With growing security concerns and a need for optimising command and control in a more reliable and timely manner, UAV Technology Central and Eastern Europe will aim to proactively discuss the strategy and technologies that will maximise UAV's effectiveness during trainings and missions.

Drawing on experiences from previous operations and ongoing activities within the region, future requirements and latest procurement and development plans will be discussed. In addition, there will be a strong focused on collaboration with partner nations to foster relationships and improve cooperation and joint capabilities.

Notable presenters include: Bundeswehr, Canadian Army, Croatian Ministry of Defence, Czech Armed Forces, Czech University of Defence, Estonian MoD, Formion SA, Hellenic Army General Staff, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Latvian MoD, Lockheed Martin Canada CDL Systems, Macedonian Army, Ministry of Transport Czech Republic, NSPA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PA Consulting, Slovenian MoD, Swedish Defence University, US Army Europe and much more...

In addition, the conference also features an exclusive pre-conference workshop on "Proposal of UAS Training Programs for Territorial Defence Forces" hosted by Justyna Zdanowska, President, GEO-UAV taking place on the 26th September 2017.

The 2-day conference will provide progress updates on procurement and development of UAV capability in Central and Eastern Europe as well as enable attendees to explore the current needs and challenges facing the region and gain an understanding of UAV's role in optimising command and control. Meet senior representatives from leading CEE nations that are actively acquiring and upgrading their UAV capability and hear the very latest technological developments from research and industry that are enhancing operational deployment of UAV.

For those who are looking to attend, there is a £400 early bird offer available online ending on the 28th April 2017.

Further information is available at online at: http://www.uav-technology.org/1888

UAV Technology Central and Eastern Europe
27th-28th September 2017
Hotel International, Prague, Czech Republic
Media: Contact Theresa Chung on tchung ( @ ) smi-online dot co dot uk
Booking: Contact Thomas Cox on tcox ( @ ) smi-online dot co dot uk

About SMi Group: 
Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the world's most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at http://www.smi-online.co.uk

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